Simplify Localization
Smartling’s pre-built integration enables you to translate a wide range of content types and configure the translation extension in ways that reflect your development environment.
Smartling can translate nodes, entities, and internationalization strings like menu labels, terms, and more. The TMGMT framework and Smartling integration drastically simplifies the number of developer hours required to manage localization for global websites.
With Smartling as an extension to your Drupal environment, you can easily configure job automation, linguistic assets and style guides, translation memory and customize your workflows.

See it in action!
Download Drupal Integration Overview

Translate with Visual Context
As you submit content, Smartling automatically ingests context via a Chrome Extension or single line of Javascript so the translator can work in a WYSIWYG interface. It improves translation quality by 30%, which means you can spend less time thinking about translation, and more time building world-class user experiences.
Get Updates in Drupal
Without leaving the developer environment, you can check translation status anytime to answer the age-old question: are my translations ready yet? No more emails with a vendor or project manager. Easy.

Professional & machine translation
Considering the volume of content under management to maintain today’s user experience, it is important to have the flexibility to choose what type of translation you apply to your content. Smartling’s Drupal integration enables you to use our professional human translation services and a variety of machine translation options.
Automated quality control
Smartling’s translation management system has nearly 30 automated quality controls in place to ensure the target content doesn’t introduce errors in your user experience. This includes things like HTML tag consistency, placeholders, number consistency, typos, double spaces and more.

Drupal Users 💜 Smartling
But don't just take our word for it! 😉

Pinterest Customer Story
"Smartling’s TMS has eliminated a number of daily localization tasks once required of our engineers, freeing up their time to work on other projects."
- Silvia Ovideo-López, Localization and International Operations

LucidChart Customer Story
"Smartling has allowed us to translate our product into 5 languages quickly and easily, giving us the ability to expand our user base to global, non-English speaking users"
- Mitchell Cox, International Program Manager