Accurate & quick support in native language
happy customers
Did you know? Customer satisfaction and retention are heavily influenced by consumers’ ability to quickly and easily access accurate support content in their preferred language.
With this integration, Smartling powers Mindtouch to help brands meet multilingual consumers at their point of need and makes the right self-service answers easy to find in their native language.
Schedule a 15-min meetingCountless hours of manual work saved
Smartling simplifies this process through fully automated workflows, enabling content creators to easily create, translate, publish, and manage the knowledge base content in one place.
No more copying and pasting, exporting and importing of spreadsheets, or back and forth of emails!
What’s in it for you?
Smartling intuitively connects directly with Mintouch within the Smartling platform, enabling you to fully automate the stream of source content and translations.
✓ Countless hours of manual work saved
✓ Higher quality translation
✓ Faster time to market
✓ Satisfied customers
✓ Stronger ROI

Your One Source of Truth
Smartling enables you to capture and codify brand preferences to improve translation quality outcomes programmatically.
Our AI-powered toolkit automatically generates brand terminology, and you can provide guidance on content style preferences, customize workflows, and configure translation memory however you wish. And you can manage all of your brand preferences within the Smartling platform.
Learn More About Smartling CAT Tool
Translate by the page or groups of pages
When requesting a translation job, you can conveniently select one page at a time or choose an entire category of content to be translated.
Track job status
Whether you translate a page or an entire category of pages, you can track the job status on an individual page level within the Smartling platform.
Automate your workflow
Schedule a translation job at the time and frequency of your choice.
Comprehensive Smartling Language Services
Integrating with Smartling connects you with comprehensive language services. We match your content with professional translators with industry experience.
Smartling’s language services team will manage the translators and ensure quality, timeliness, and delivery of translations always meets your expectations.
One more reason to love Smartling Language Services: You get to communicate directly with the translators for questions and feedback and have complete visibility into the translation team!

Ready to integrate Mindtouch with Smartling?
Translation for self-support content has never been easier. Join the ranks of Smartling’s world-class customers today!
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